Andresen Vintage 2020

Andresen Vintage 2020

At Andresen, there is a rather schizophrenic relationship with the Vintage Port category and the owner and external face of the house, Carlos Flores, sticks conservatively to the best vintages and duly refrains from tempting fate in the more questionable vintages, and it pays off in the form of consistently high quality . Just 2% of all bottled port wine is made up of the Vintage Port category and the battle is tough.

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Andresen Vintage 2020

At Andresen, there is a rather schizophrenic relationship with the Vintage Port category and the owner and external face of the house, Carlos Flores, sticks conservatively to the best vintages and duly refrains from tempting fate in the more questionable vintages, and it pays off in the form of consistently high quality . Just 2% of all bottled port wine is made up of the Vintage Port category and the battle is tough.


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