- Vestsjællands største udvalg indenfor spiritus, Vin, Piber,portvin. (Eriksen Vinhandel)
- Spiritus
- Armagnac
- Armagnac 1997 Laubade Bas Armagnac Château de Laubade AOP
Armagnac 1997 Laubade Bas Armagnac Château de Laubade AOP
Projektet er i høj grad lykkedes på denne relativt korte periode, for Château de Laubade er i dag ikke alene blandt de største, men også de absolut bedste ejendomme i Armagnac.
Der produceres single estate vin til Laubade Armagnac på hele 260 ha jord. Markerne er tilplantet med 47% Ugni Blanc, Baco 22a 30%, Folle Blanche 8% og Colombard 15%.
Château de Laubade har den største produktion af den fantastiske Bacodrue, som tilfører armagnacen en helt speciel pebret krydrethed og røg.
Slottet er også den eneste armagnac-producent, der har sit eget bødkeri. Hertil udvælges det bedste Gascogne-træ fra nærliggende skove, som luftørres ikke mindre end tre år, inden det bygges til tønder til lagring af armagnac.
Det er måske nogle af årsagerne til, at Château de Laubade er det eneste armagnac-hus, der tre år i træk (2010, 2011 og 2012) er blevet kåret til World Class Distillery ved World Spirits Award. I slottets Intemporal Nr. 5 blev i 2007 kåret til Verdens bedste Brandy ved San Francisco Worlds Spirits.
The Château de Laubaude has been making armagnac of the highest quality since the beginning of the 18th century and was granted the status of the Château Appellation Contrôlée as early as 1855. Unfortunately, this was followed by a long period of decline in which both armagnac and castle were neglected. Jean-Jacques Lesgourgues bought the dilapidated castle in 1974 with the clear vision of completely restoring everything and lifting the armagnac to the grandeur of former times. The project has been very successful in this relatively short period, because today the Château de Laubade is not only among the largest, but also the absolute best properties in Armagnac. Single estate wine is produced for Laubade Armagnac on 260 hectares of land. The fields are planted with 47% Ugni Blanc, Baco 22a 30%, Folle Blanche 8% and Colombard 15%. Château de Laubade has the largest production of the fantastic Bacodrue, which adds a very special peppery spiciness and smoke to the armagnac. The castle is also the only armagnac producer to have its own coop. For this, the best Gascogne wood is selected from nearby forests, which is air-dried for no less than three years before being built into barrels for storing armagnac. These are perhaps some of the reasons why Château de Laubade is the only armagnac house that has been named World Class Distillery at the World Spirits Award for three years in a row (2010, 2011 and 2012). In the castle's Intemporal Nr. 5 was named the World's Best Brandy by the San Francisco Worlds Spirits in 2007.
Populær600,00DKK795,00DKKDu sparer: 195,00DKK
100,00DKK200,00DKKDu sparer: 100,00DKK
700,00DKK900,00DKKDu sparer: 200,00DKK
500,00DKK600,00DKKDu sparer: 100,00DKK
Populær600,00DKK795,00DKKDu sparer: 195,00DKK
250,00DKK475,00DKKDu sparer: 225,00DKK
400,00DKK850,00DKKDu sparer: 450,00DKK
700,00DKK1.000,00DKKDu sparer: 300,00DKK
2.300,00DKK2.800,00DKKDu sparer: 500,00DKK
500,00DKK800,00DKKDu sparer: 300,00DKK
400,00DKK650,00DKKDu sparer: 250,00DKK
325,00DKK400,00DKKDu sparer: 75,00DKK
275,00DKK350,00DKKDu sparer: 75,00DKK
Der er endnu ikke nogen anmeldelser her. Vi vil være glade for hvis du vil anmelde som den første.
100,00DKK200,00DKKDu sparer: 100,00DKK
700,00DKK900,00DKKDu sparer: 200,00DKK
500,00DKK600,00DKKDu sparer: 100,00DKK
Populær600,00DKK795,00DKKDu sparer: 195,00DKK
250,00DKK475,00DKKDu sparer: 225,00DKK
400,00DKK850,00DKKDu sparer: 450,00DKK
700,00DKK1.000,00DKKDu sparer: 300,00DKK
2.300,00DKK2.800,00DKKDu sparer: 500,00DKK
500,00DKK800,00DKKDu sparer: 300,00DKK
400,00DKK650,00DKKDu sparer: 250,00DKK
325,00DKK400,00DKKDu sparer: 75,00DKK
275,00DKK350,00DKKDu sparer: 75,00DKK