3 Fonteinen Golden Blend 2019-2020 6,6%

This Golden Blend has been blended with lambikken from three different barrels and five different brews. The lambikken were brewed by three different breweries. It is one of the first blends in which we used lambik brewed by Brouwerij De Troch in Wambeek. The oldest lambik was brewed in early 2016. As we have increased the average age of both the barrel room lambikken as well as the geuze bottle conditioning over the last three years, this blend resonates with Golden Blends 31 and 44, created in the same period.

Availability: In stock

This Golden Blend has been blended with lambikken from three different barrels and five different brews. The lambikken were brewed by three different breweries. It is one of the first blends in which we used lambik brewed by Brouwerij De Troch in Wambeek. The oldest lambik was brewed in early 2016. As we have increased the average age of both the barrel room lambikken as well as the geuze bottle conditioning over the last three years, this blend resonates with Golden Blends 31 and 44, created in the same period.


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